Monday, July 7, 2008

Wordsearch- Proclamation on the Family- Taken from work by Rick Wadsworth (Link Below)

First Presidency, Twelve Apostles, Marriage, Man, Woman, Image of God, Lawfully, Husband, Wife, Forgiveness, Accountable, Procreation, Support, Equal, Multiply, Parenthood, Faith, Heavenly Parents, Work, Divine Nature, Adam, Eve, Compassion, Fidelity, Citizens, Commandments, Spirit, Sacred Ordinances, Temples, Eternal Father, Gender, Respect, Nurture, Protection, Perfection, Experience, Family Relationships, Law-Abiding, Repentance, Righteousness, Physical, Spiritual, Heir, Covenants, Identity, Society, Prayers, Chastity, Recreational, Children

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